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Non-Denominational Christian Church preparing to move into our new Church sanctuary needing to hire a Choir Director/pianist to lead Gospel music; who can actively engage the congregation in meaningful musical worship; and to grow our adult choir.


The candidate should have a background as a Choir or Music Director in an educational or spiritual environment.  P/T position will work with the Pastor and Worship Committee in the selection of music for the worship service; directing the choir during rehearsal once a week; and lifting up the congregation with selections each Sunday morning during the worship service.


Candidate must also understand the Christian principle of ushering in the Holy Spirit with songs of worship and praise and to:


  •  Plan music selections for 11:00 a.m. Sunday Worship service each week;

  •  Actively lead all music during Worship Service and special services;

  •  Organize and lead adult choir and the praise & worship team; and

  •  Attend weekly choir rehearsal

Interested persons should submit an electronic sample audio/video recording (if available) via email.  People United for Christ Church is an Equal Opportunity Employer.  All responses will remain confidential.  For consideration, please email your resume and cover letter to the Church.  For further information, please contact:

Rev. Willie J. Watkins, Sr., Pastor

People United for Christ Church

8803 Cozens Avenue, Jennings, MO 63136

(314) 397-9558 Ÿ





8803 Cozens Ave., Jennings, MO 63136


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